Monday, April 20, 2015

A Rainforest Back Yard

A  Rainforest Back Yard

View from Bridge

Our back yard is usually pretty wild and natural. We are very happy with it on a day to day basis. This was one of the reasons we bought our house as  the one plus acre we have  that surround the house is almost in the state God meant it to be. 
We have many trees, in fact sometimes it seems like too many, especially in the early Spring, when everything is in the rapid growing stage. This year with all the rain and somewhat cooler temperatures this has been especially true. Our brush pile of tree trimmings and excess bamboo plants is growing rather large but the birds and creatures love it.

This is where the water runs through.

I took pictures so that I could remember the lushness of it all in the Summer months when I know I shall be the first one complaining about how hot and dried up everything looks.
We actually needed the Bridge to Nowhere as finally it has rained enough to form a rain gully across the yard and some of these pictures were taken as I stood on the bridge.

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