Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Mother's Day 2015
Mike and Me on my card

A family gathering had been planned for this year's Mother's Day with 3 Mothers and one Mother -to- be and other significant others attending. We were all going to a local Chinese restaurant, Bobos, which we have been visiting for over 30 years. It is one of our favorite eating spots.

Unfortunately this year it was not to be. We are in a very unusual weather pattern this year and Sunday we hit the jack pot. It was cloudy and very windy and there were storms forcast to hit just as we were supposed to meet up with the family. Well the storms rolled in earlier and before we knew it we were under a tornado warning. You don't ignore these warnings if you live in Texas as you know what might happen. So we called and cancelled our visit and hunkered down.Fortunately the storm passed over us but hit about 12 miles to the North in Denton but on its way it dropped a LOT of rain and made for nasty roads and lots of flooding.

Then as it was clearing, we got a nice surprise. Grandson Mike popped in on his way to collect Meg and go to the restaurant. He came to give us this nice card they had made for me. Home made cards seem to be the thing we do in this family, and they are so great and such a nice surprise. 

Thanks, Mike and Meg. It was a lovely unexpected surprise for me on Mother's day.
P.S. and thanks also to Russ and Trevor and Laura, Chrissy and Ben for remembering me as well.
 I appreciate it.
Nanny Bond

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