The Beautiful Larkspurs.
Anyone who has read my blogs will know just how much I love larkspurs.
I guess I like them because of their lovely colors, all different tones of purple and blue, pink and white. They grow very easily, indeed some would say, too easily, and a few seeds will give a good show in your garden, They are fairly tall especially if they get lots of water in the spring , last a good couple of months in bloom and make it look as if you actually know something about gardening !!
So they are great for a beginning gardener, who like to potter around in welly boots and old hat and shirt, try new things to grow and be outside in the sun , listening to the birds and relaxing. ( My kind of thing).
I didn't realize how well larkspur would grow when I threw my first seeds out in the garden a couple of years ago.I also didn't realize the amount of new seeds they would produce each year. I thought when I had pulled up the old plants when they had finished blooming that was the end of my beautiful flowers. But indeed not. As the bloom fades, the seeds form and shoot out all over the area but the plant continues to produce more flowers so little do you realize that you are getting quantities of seeds falling all over the place.
Where I once had a grassy lawn( that was a joke- more like a weedy patch of assorted green growing stuff) this year I have a vast array of larkspurs.
And guess what ...
They are beautiful , I'm glad you let them be free, it's time we got away from the entrapment of beds and lawns!