Saturday, October 10, 2015

"Metamorphosis" challenge painting

"Metamorphosis" challenge painting

I forget if I did a blog on this painting as I know I was rushed for time when I was painting it. so here it is.
 Just couldn't find an original idea to convey a "deep" topic. So I settled on the easy idea of the frogspawn, tadpole that turns into a frog. I know it was always a wonder to me every spring when I would fish frogspawn into a jar and watch as the metamorphosis began. Just occasionally they tadpoles would actually turn into frogs which in itself was amazing as I had no idea what tadpoles ate!!
I painted this in acrylic on matt board, not a great idea as the acrylic paint soaks into the board too readily and the color gets diffused.Lesson learned !
Some of the other paintings from the other artists were very creative and if you wish to see them go to the facebook page, Monthly Painters challenge. I always love to see what the other artists make of the topic.

1 comment:

  1. I like that! Tells quite a story.
    Do you not Gesso the boards first?
