Monday, December 28, 2015

Fruit Pizza and Christmas Pud for Christmas

Fruit Pizza and Christmas Pud for Christmas

One for tradition and one for modernity.( is that the right word?)
                                          Fruit Pizza

I found the photo and recipe for the fruit pizza on Pinterest and thought that it  would be a good  desert for  after a large Christmas dinner. It was really easy to make with a biscuit crust and different fresh fruit. Very tasty as well as the fruit are all placed on a cream base made with cream cheese and whipping cream. Voted a success!

Tradition dictates also having a  Christmas pudding so this year I made one from scratch and it turned out very well ( to my surprise).
I have made puddings in the past but really not many people these days like the heavy, steamed, suet pudding made with a combination of dark fruits and spiced with rum and brandy. In fact the only way we were persuaded to eat pudding when we were children was that inside the pudding were hidden presents - silver sixpences, and if you were lucky enough to find one , you kept it. A real treasure. 
( I think now that it probably was quite dangerous as a small child could easily have choked on the treasure but that was then...)  
No hidden presents in my pud. We did do the lighting of the pudding which I always like to do plus it gives us a chance to talk about the old-fashioned kind of Christmases we so enjoyed and remember.

Our Christmas was lovely. There were 16 people of many ages  mostly family and friends  collected together and  we had good food, good wine and drinks, lots of fun , warm weather, laughter and caught up on all the family news. No TV and phones/tablets kept to the minimum.!!
Thank to son Trevor and his wife Laura for being such good hosts.

1 comment:

  1. The Pud brings many happy memories, we still have one at the xmas family gatherings but the main excitement comes from the burning of the alcohol, I don't think anybody eats any of it !
    All the best to you &Mike and all your family!
