Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Visit to Weatherford


Weatherford is a very typical country town with Western flare  in North Texas about 1 hour drive from where we live.It is in Parker county to the west of Fort Worth and like all small towns close to large cities is starting to develop with new houses and new people moving in. It still retains a quaint country charm with lots of Western activities and restaurants , horse ranches . In the center of the town is the County Court house, and it is a magnificent old building If you are visiting you won’t miss it as it is in the center of town and  the main roads converge and in fact it is stands in the middle of a roundabout so all the traffic has to go around it.

We came here to see our friends Kathy and Vince who have moved out recently to a new home in this area  and we were here to celebrate Kathy’s birthday which we did by going to a very nice Western style BBQ restaurant.

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