Saturday, January 17, 2015

Funerals make you think

Funerals make you think

I went to a funeral today.It was a beautiful sunny and warm day in January and it didn’t seem right that the friend who had suddenly died with a heart attack just wouldn’t be there to enjoy it .

Maureen was a lovely lady and younger than me by about 10years or so. She was a kind and generous person, who always had a good word for anyone she met and despite going through a life full of tribulation, always  through hard work and pure self determination had managed to cope  and not let life drag her down. I hadn’t known much about  her family or her early life as she was a friend that I would meet at occasional meetings so it was quite  a surprise when a good size crowd attended the funeral. I say that because some of the funerals I have attended have had only a very few in attendance.

This was not a funeral in the old fashioned way, it was more  a celebration of her life One by one her family, children and grandchildren and close friends came up to give  testimony for a person much loved, respected and honored. There were tender stories and fond memories and by the end of the service I felt that not only did I really know and understand  Maureen now but I realized why this type of saying goodbye is so important.

Yes, It gives closure to the family and friends but it brings  a thought to my mind that while you are living your life you just don’t fully realize what impressions you are making on the people that you meet on that journey. A lesson in life to learn.

This celebration of life showed this.

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