Monday, August 3, 2015

Challenge painting- Fruit Bowl

Challenge painting- Fruit Bowl 
Acrylic  12'x10" in the still life style of the Old Masters

This is my attempt at the challenge put out on the  PADT ( for July
This was chosen by the administrator of the blogspot . The idea is for all the artists to be challenged to take the original painting and from it make their own painting by taking some ideas or parts or style so all the finished paintings are similar but different.You really need to visit the blog to see what I mean. It is fascinating to see how each artist interprets the original idea in his/her own way. Maybe you would also like to join in and give it a try!!

From the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art
Fruit Basket- still life painting
Juan VanderHamen y Leon 1629

1 comment:

  1. That looks interesting to paint, baskets are the hardest to paint
    be you enjoyed doing this one.
