Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Welcome to Little Nathan

Welcome to Little Nathan
Nathan Ian Burton, born on  August 9, 2015.
Nathan with proud Mom and Dad
The baby was 7lb. 1 oz, and was 19" long, He weighed 7,1lbs
Something very special happened in our lives this week. Something that hadn't happened anytime before.
We became Great grandparents for the first time.

It wasn't a complete surprise as Chrissy, our granddaughter had kept everyone well informed during her pregnancy and we knew at sometime during August, little Nathan Ian Burton would make his entry into this world.

Great Nanny Bond with Nathan

                                                Great Grandad Bond with Nathan

He was eager to get here I am sure as he was a few weeks early but came into the world healthy and like all brand new babies so very, very cute.We all loved him immediately.

His family, the Burtons and the Bonds were all there to welcome him.  All the relatives and friends from near and far , so many it seems, sent their good wishes cards and calls.

We all wish him a happy, joyful, healthy, successful and fulfilling life .
We send our congratulations to his parents, Chrissy and Ben and know
that with this addition to their family, life will now change but also for the better, how could it not, with such a beautiful baby boy to love and cherish.


  1. What a wonderful little lad! And such happy Grands!
    Congratulations all!

  2. Congratulations time flies, a lovely baby
