Monday, November 30, 2015

Goodbye Miss Tabs

Goodbye Miss Tabs

    So the spirit of our loving and calm cat Miss Tabs has passed on to join her brother and all the other kitty friends she lived with at our house over the past 18years. 
So many it is hard to recall all of them in detail-, Spindles (Miss Tabs twin brother), Cooper- the big old white fluffy one, Black Lucky, so shy and gentle with  lovely eyes, funny Pugs, who loved the water, Blue cat, who just loved people but wasn't that happy with his fellow cats, Pixel and Wizzywig, the computer cats and probably a few more that came in as fosters and then passed on to new homes. The ones we remember well are the ones that came but stayed.

So what will we remember about Miss Tabs.

She came in as a feral kitten from a feral mother with a feral brother so it's not really surprising that she preferred the great outside rather than the warm and cosy inside. The few times we tried to keep her confined inside was the only time she was any trouble making her feelings felt by peeing in bad places and yowling! 

She would usually appear once a day  to come and feed and then again disappear into the woods and garden to do her own thing.She would accept a gentle stroking from time to time but didn't want to be held and getting her into a cat carrier was very frustrating for both the cat and me.
She has one bad eye and as she got older it became worse and gradually we realized she was in fact blind. It was amazing to see how she still managed to find her way around the yard. It was only in the last few months I noticed she was suffering from kitty Alzheimer's. She would start walking around in circles and I would have to go out and put her down in another place that she would recognize so she could get her bearings again. 

Then she became deaf and started to lose her sense of smell. Finding her food became a challenge as she could be right by it and even with me banging on the plate she still had trouble finding it. But she managed without complaint .I knew her time was coming to an end when her back legs started to become so weak she could no longer jump up on to a favorite chair or onto the stool to get in the cat door.

We will certainly miss her as we do all our pets when they pass on but we know from a very uncertain beginning, she had a great kitty life- one of the best.
Rest in peace Miss Tabs. 

Read about her as well at my earlier blog March26 2013

1 comment:

  1. You're an inspiring cat manager, makes me do a better job with ours!
    May Miss Tabs rest in peace!
