Friday, November 20, 2015

The Dog Master by W.Bruce Cameron

The Dog Master by W.Bruce Cameron

If you like dogs and a good story, this is the book for you.
It tells the fictional story of how the first wolf just might have been introduced to the first human in order to form  a new species, the dog.
It takes place in the Paleolithic age, about 30,000 years ago when a variety of different tribes were roaming the earth. It was a time when man lived solely by hunting and gathering . It was also a time of the beginning of the ice age and food resources were  in short supply so competition for food was great.
That is setting the stage for the novel.
The plot of the book tells the story  a young deformed man, Mal of the Kindred tribe who befriends a dying mother wolf and her litter of pups and of his experiences within his tribe and with other tribes, both friendly and not so friendly. Mal,  after he is thrown out of his tribe, gradually  trains the young wolf pup, that he has saved, to become his helper.
 The book is well researched and it certainly could have happened this way that "wolf" became "dog".
It is a good story.
I really enjoyed it.

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